How to receive support from the Playermaker app

This article describes which support tools are embedded into the app and where you can find them.

Where to find support tools inside the app:

  1. Open the Playermaker app.
  2. Go to 'Settings'.
  3. Press 'Help'.
  4. There will be 3 support tools to choose from: 'FAQ', 'My tickets', and Live Chat.

Details about each support tool:

  1. FAQ: The FAQ is the Playermaker Help Center website that is embedded into the app. Search the FAQ for answers to commonly asked questions.
  2. My tickets: This is where your conversations (tickets) with Playermaker support will be stored. You can also email customer support and submit tickets from here.
  3. Live chat: The chat bubble on the bottom right of the screen is our Playermaker chatbot. The bot recommends articles from our Help Center website and gives you the option to speak with a live agent.

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