How do I conduct an activity?

Congratulations on completing your registration on the Playermaker app! Now, we will guide you step-by-step on how to conduct an activity and view your sessions' data on the app!


  • Playermaker's automatic detection and analysis are not affected by the different types of playing surfaces or weather conditions (indoor or outdoor pitches).
  • You can only start and record one session at a time!
  • You don’t need your phone to start / end a session.


Step 1 - Make sure your sensors have enough battery to record an activity:

  • Sensors that are blinking green or orange indicate that your sensors have enough battery to conduct a session.
  • We suggest reading this article to learn how to charge your sensors and this article to better understand Playermaker's battery performance.


Step 2 - Start an activity:

  1. Remove both sensors from the Playermaker case (this action triggers your session to start).
  2. Your sensor lights should now blink BLUE.
  3. A blinking BLUE light indicates that your session is automatically being recorded.
  4. You can also verify that your session is recording from the 'Activities' screen on your app (your sensors and phone must be within Bluetooth reach to see this indication).
    • Open the Playermaker app.
    • Go to 'Activities'.
    • On the top right of the screen, the 'Sensor Status' should say: 'Rec'.


Step 3 - Meet Playermaker's threshold requirement:

It is extremely important to be aware that there is a minimal activity threshold that must be met for the Playermaker system to register your performance as a valid activity. Failure to meet the threshold requirement will result in an unrecognizable session that will automatically be deleted by our system.

Playermaker's activity threshold requires you to complete a minimum of:


In addition to at least one of the following: 

                                 Screen_Shot_2022-03-28_at_10.48.15_AM.png          OR           Screen_Shot_2022-03-28_at_10.48.24_AM.png           


Step 4 - Strap your Playermaker device onto your cleats:

Click here to watch a video on correctly strapping up your Playermaker device.

  1. Insert the right sensor into the right strap (Marked as R blue).
  2. Insert the left sensor into the left strap (Marked as L red).
  3. Verify that the sensor light is visible through the smaller strap hole.
  4. Verify that the white button is visible through the bigger strap hole.
  5. Place the right strap onto your right cleat (boot).
  6. Place the left strap onto your left cleat (boot).


Step 5 - End an activity:

  1. Remove your sensors from your straps.
  2. Place your sensors back inside the Playermaker case (this action triggers your session to end).
  3. Your sensor lights should now blink white.
  4. A blinking white light indicates that your session's data is stored in the sensor and is ready to be synced onto the app.
  5. NOTE: Only one session can be stored on your sensors at a time. This means that after every session you conduct, you must first sync your recent session's data onto the app, and after, you can begin your next session. 


Step 6 - Sync your activity's data onto the app:

  1. Open the Playermaker app on your mobile device.
  2. Make sure your Bluetooth is ON.
  3. Keep your phone and sensors in close proximity to one another.
  4. Make sure you have a stable internet connection.
  5. A new activity will pop up on your Playermaker app.
  6. Select the activity type: Match or Training.
  7. Complete the activity details.
  8. Now, analyze your session's data!


Suggested articles to help you get started: 

  1. Playermaker's Stats Glossary, explained
  2. Playermaker's light statuses, explained
  3. What are Playermaker's two main activity types?
  4. Which statistics are for Match and Training sessions?
  5. Playermaker's 6-hour session limit, explained
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